Estilos da Rainha Elizabeth II em cores, elegancia, resistencia de poder, sorrisos, saúde, e o que muita gente deveria aprender sobre como se vestir, e resistir a temporalidades, manias, e disparidades ou desistencias no guarda-roupa e bem-estar quando o tempo vai passando. Ela não precisou do cabelo esticadinho, reto, mas conservou suas madeixas, primou pelo bom humor na troca de roupas, e mesmo nos fundos negros de vestidos estampados de rosas, looks amarelos, fortes, azuis, combinando com joias poderosas, broches sempre em mutação, chapeus ornados por flores, que também mandam mensagens. A ID forte mostrada nas escolhas de roupas, corajosas, quando em encontro com o presidente americano Donald Trump (depois) (looks rosa e azul), e seus looks impecaveis. Dignos de monarcas exemplares. Só sinto falta de Harry, Meghan e dos looks tambem cheios de ID de ambos. E do terceiro pequeno membro monarquico. Mas as touquinhas de ambos no lago foram dignas de reis supremos. Quem é rei nunca perde a majestade, diz o ditado. A regra, hoje, apesar dos inumeros codigos, tendencias e conceitos de moda, e estar-bem, se sentir bem, e a defesa, mais que a aparencia e conjunto de regras e orgulhos e obrigações de mídia, é ter obrigação consigo mesmo, obrigação de ser feliz. Otima sexta-feira! (Rosaly Queen)
Always chic, elegant, with a caleidoscope´s wardrobe. Queen Elizabeth smiling for this friday. And an inspired weekend on how fashion should work in elegance, good mood, and leadership for lifetime. God save the Queen. I just miss Harry and Meghi. And the boy. Life is being flex. As time passes by and we learn lessons. Or we get stop in rules and coldness. Better to warm up.
Christianism is not alienation, being appart from society, chains, rules, put head down. Is for courageous people. Who cant face battles and oposition get in the past, is tresspassed by games, weird media weapons, but who has learnt resistence, identify weapons of hate, interests, and trainning the vision to go beyond some appearances, are those who can win and go further. Meghan maybe experienced something that i did to. She was more at the highlights. I got hide. Or got tired of so many daily lies in newspapers, tvs, difamations of who did want to bring me down. They wished that their negative view spread as a disease and proove they can win. With the time, it can become something so stupid.
Preserving some freedom and capability to keep smiling of small things in life, beyond pride acchievments, position, is something some want, others cant leave. Their necks can be above everybody else. Harry doesnt look to be like that. He looks more like Diana. She got quiet, but, then, she preferred to enjoy her life, be happy again. Why do we have to obey to strongholds?
Pride? What really may guide our lives? Governments? Lack of freedom? Giving up on hapinness? For others adds and pressures?
Jesus is a concept of being humble and give life. He teached how to love, win, and he broke many rules. He laughed of the law´s authorities. Cause he was full of an authority to reign that others got scared and tried to lie about him, to finish his power. They couldnt. He was more concern and giving life and teach lessons of going beyond appearances and the status quo and win, and love, than to prove that he was the son of the highest Almighty God, but he defeated dead. Defeated evil concepts. Gave wisdom and his spirit to guidance and restaure human purposes. To not allow that "mediocres" (forgot the word in english) won. That he could give power to win them. The Queen has lived for so many years, saw so many lifestyle, so many people to serve, to give an example of resistence and strengh. Life offers us many oportunity to resist the mistakes and to become soft.
Soft pillows, nice flowers, nice colors. Unfortunately, some - many - people are more concern in using others to lie to media, to hold their pride, than to be real and true. Look for the truth. Christ doesnt speak about being locked to traditions, but to have life. That´s the lesson to 2020. Isnt a shame to let go of pride. Its a lesson we all should learn to live better. Nice weekend!
(Rosaly Queen) (Fotos Reprodução)
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